The 8 Limbs of Yoga - Digital Download


Heating and Cooling Yoga, using the breath, bringing in some Yoga philosophy and talking about the 8 limbs of Yoga and how we use each limb in our classes and practice today. Using some movement and traditional asana and coming back to a balancing cooling breath to finish. Suitable for over 40. 50. 60 and anyone who wants to learn, there are variations for every posture.

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Heating and Cooling Yoga, using the breath, bringing in some Yoga philosophy and talking about the 8 limbs of Yoga and how we use each limb in our classes and practice today. Using some movement and traditional asana and coming back to a balancing cooling breath to finish. Suitable for over 40. 50. 60 and anyone who wants to learn, there are variations for every posture.

Heating and Cooling Yoga, using the breath, bringing in some Yoga philosophy and talking about the 8 limbs of Yoga and how we use each limb in our classes and practice today. Using some movement and traditional asana and coming back to a balancing cooling breath to finish. Suitable for over 40. 50. 60 and anyone who wants to learn, there are variations for every posture.