My Story

I have been in the health, wellness and movement industry for more than 28 years. I have always taught people how to look after their bodies and keep fit and healthy for life. I am a lifestyle coach. I feel that it is so important to keep your body healthy in every way because it’s the vehicle you have for experiencing the world. Having a healthy body and healthy mind help you do life and be there for others.

As I age and life changes around me and within me I realize even more how important health is and specifically how important preventative health is. I am very big on not leaving things until its too late or you are already sick. I believe in preventative health, do what you can do now to help secure your healthy future and that of your family. Educate and implement

I have always been interested in products, education or therapies that enhance, keep, and aid my health. I like to experience things for myself before I recommend or suggest it to others. This was the same when I discovered the Enagic products. I took time to trial and experience the product and educate myself to feel confident to begin sharing them.

I got involved in 2023 through a wonderful friend and now business partner. The more I am involved with this company and the community I share it with the more I learn, grow as a person and love what we are doing. The Japanese man who founded this compnay. Mr Oshiro is from Okinowa, Japan, (a blue zone of longevity and health in the world). He has a vision and a mission to make a positive impact on the world that other people can benefit from; “True Health, Physical Health, Relationship to Health and Financial health.” What a fabulous motto and company to be a part of.  I am not just a direct distributer for a great product I am also part of this mission that gives health and makes hope a reality for 1000s of people across the world.

I got involved originally for the products and then I saw the business opportunity and looked into it further before understanding that this is what I want to do! I loved the education, structure, support and training it offered me. Along my journey I have also loved the people I have met, the community that is continually being created and the incredible support that that is. I love that we are serving the greater community and sharing the mission. I loved the Health giving products offered and saw the need for this in mine, my families and the communities lives. So it was completely in alignment with my lifestyle values.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please enjoy the education and information I have provided and let it help you make your decision about this product and or business. I look forward to helping you further and maybe even meeting you as part of our enagic team of distributers. The more the merrier and the more we can share this mission to more people the more we can change the health of individuals and the planet. Please let me know if I can help or answer any questions ph 0429435726