Kangen Water™

Change Your Water,Change Your Life!

This water gives health and hope. Not all water is created equal!

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Why is water so important and what is Kangen Water?

Did you know your body is made up of 70% water/fluid? We need water more than food, when we are properly hydrated our body is able to:

Regulate our temperature

  • Maintain healthy moist skin

  • Lubricate our joints

  • Digest food, produce saliva, produce stomach and intestinal fluids

  • Aid efficient brain function keeping the spinal cord and nervous system fluid

  • Produce tears to help with effective vision/eye function

  • Transport vital nutrients and via blood around the body

The Japanese made Kangen K8 machine does all this and so much more.

What about water for your shower or bath?

Your skin is the biggest organ you have and it absorbs much of what you put on it including whatever is in your water. Most of our tap water has Chlorine added to make it ‘safe’ to drink, some tap water also has flouride, aluminium, lead, copper and even possible hormones and pesticides.  Did you know that during an average 5minute shower your skin can absorb more chlorine than drinking 6 glasses of water?

It is not only essential to have good water to drink, but to wash and bathe in.

The Anespa is a fabulous way to change your average tap water into a Chlorine free, mineral rich, Onsen quality water. This water is soft on your skin and hair, helps to sooth(or even eradicate) some skin conditions such as excema and psorisis.

How is Kangen Water different?

Kangen water turns ordinary tap water into an elecrolyzed reduced restructured water through elecrolysis process.

This means it is a powerful antioxidant for reducing oxidative stress and is alkalizing for the body helping to balance our ph levels. The elecrolysis process restructures the water creating many many small hydrodgen molecules that can be readily absorbed by our cells and are essential for deep hydration. It is chlorine free and alive like a natural spring water. Probably the best water you have ever tasted, and its good for you!

Watch This Video to Know More About
Kangen Water Importance

My Story

I am Anna and have been in the health, wellness and movement industry for more than 28 years. I have always taught people how to look after their bodies and keep fit and healthy for life. I am a lifestyle coach. I feel that it is so important to keep your body healthy in every way because it’s the vehicle you have for experiencing the world. Having a healthy body and healthy mind help you do life and be there for others.

The Business Opportunity

The Japanese company that makes these machines is called Enagic and they believe in not only creating Physical Health but Financial health. So by purchasing a machine and then sharing with others you are financially rewarded for helping others to experience the benefits of their products.

Financial Growth: Mr. Ohshiro (the Enagic® founder) chose the direct sales business model to give back to you and others for sharing the value of Enagic® with people around the world. Instead of putting the money into retail outlets and advertising it all goes back to distributers. Part of his mission is to help us experience financial prosperity that allows us to live an extraordinary life, providing more to our families and creating a greater impact around the world.

Even though Enagic® is a 50 year old company (as of 2024), they have only been in the home based market since 2003 and are still in the very early stages of growth. Before this they were in Japanses hospitals. They are right at the base of the ‘business growth bell curve’, classed as the ‘Early Adopters’ phase... a perfect time to align yourself with Enagic®, and the incredible business referral opportunity. Enagic® removes the pain of building a business, making it easy for you to earn high commissions. 

I am also part of a brilliant business platform called the Freedom Era. This platform has all the education, support and ongoing live connection that you need to start and continue your business. The idea is that you create Time, location and Financial freedom in your life.

I chose to be a part of this brilliant platform because it gives me all the tools, motivation and the automation I need to be able to continue living my life and build this fabulous business. The Freedom era is the most highly performing business platform in this Enagic business at the moment and the community is fabulous.

If you would like join our world wide team on the Freedom era and see what it is like, click below: